Well,Hello there..Afiq here a.k.a Figgiboy of Bro7herhodz crew..I'm new with this,so take it easy on me..So,about me?well,currently I'm a student on my holidays while waiting for my June 'o' Level results to come out,which I heard it's coming out pretty soon,so,wish me luck..Anyway,I'm a dancer,from my crew "Bro7herhodz crew" and also a guitarist/bassist for my band "Moonlight Diary"..Emm,I bet you're all wondering where i got the nickname "Figgi-boy",well,It's like this,I got the name from my dream,haha,like literally..One night I was sleeping over at my friends,and I went to sleep early,while the rest was awake at that time,and when I woke up,my friends told me that I was sleep-talking,haha..And I did some research on it,that means a Fish,I think..Owh well,that's how I got the name Figgi which is now my dancer name and my Alter-ego..I guess that's about it..Take-care and stay safe,peace people..Enjoy,cheers..
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